Sold By: Rolart - Art by Deborah Rolnik Raichman(comes in a gift bag with an acrylic easel)
Sold By: RacheltreasuresI have created a beautiful quilled Star of David with many paper scrolls in silver and blue. The middle has a swirly star. Each point is accented with a scroll.
Sold By: Living Art by LeahUnique Prism Mezuzah case adds new perspective to an age old observance. The unique properties of the prism allow you to see a perfect double image of the art when looking directly at the mezuzah, and the thoughtful design allows for viewing of the prayer cradled within from the side. The design on this mezuzah case is called All Good Things. It incorporates four blessings, in Hebrew and English, that help to make a good life, and that it is hoped will be fulfilled for the owners of the home this mezuzah protects. Ahava~Love, Shalom~Peace, Simcha~Joy, and Bri'ut~Health. Only a sampling of available colors are shown, however most mezuzahs come in a wide variety of colors. Please ask!
Sold By: Living Art by LeahUnique Prism Mezuzah case adds new perspective to an age old observance. The unique properties of the prism allow you to see a perfect double image of the art when looking directly at the mezuzah, and the thoughtful design allows for viewing of the prayer cradled within from the side. The quote on this mezuzah case is deeply spiritual and also romantic, "Ani L'Dodi v'Dodi Li" ~ "I am My Beloved and My Beloved is Mine" is an excerpt from King Solomon's Song of Songs. The perfect quote to celebrate the love between two partners for wedding, anniversary, new home, or engagement, or a gift "just because" for the one you love. Only a sampling of available colors are shown, however most mezuzahs come in a wide variety of colors. Please ask!
Sold By: Living Art by LeahUnique Prism Mezuzah case adds new perspective to an age old observance. The unique properties of the prism allow you to see a perfect double image of the art when looking directly at the mezuzah, and the thoughtful design allows for viewing of the prayer cradled within from the side. This mezuzah case is called Peace Love Joy. The design incorporates three blessings, in Hebrew and English, that help to make a good life, Ahava~Love, Shalom~Peace, and Simcha~Joy. It makes a simple, positive statement of hope, harmony, and happiness. Only a sampling of available colors are shown, however most mezuzahs come in a wide variety of colors. Please ask!
Sold By: Living Art by LeahUnique Prism Mezuzah case adds new perspective to an age old observance. The unique properties of the prism allow you to see a perfect double image of the art when looking directly at the mezuzah, and the thoughtful design allows for viewing of the prayer cradled within from the side. This mezuzah case is called Peace Love Joy. The design incorporates three blessings, in Hebrew and English, that help to make a good life, Ahava~Love, Shalom~Peace, and Simcha~Joy. It makes a simple, positive statement of hope, harmony, and happiness. This design also includes a lacy heart focal point which graces the bottom of the case. Only a sampling of available colors are shown, however most mezuzahs come in a wide variety of colors. Please ask!
Sold By: Living Art by LeahUnique Prism Mezuzah case adds new perspective to an age old observance. The unique properties of the prism allow you to see a perfect double image of the art when looking directly at the mezuzah, and the thoughtful design allows for viewing of the prayer cradled within from the side.
Sold By: Living Art by LeahUnique Prism Mezuzah case adds new perspective to an age old observance. The unique properties of the prism allow you to see a perfect double image of the art when looking directly at the mezuzah, and the thoughtful design allows for viewing of the prayer cradled within from the side. The Shema design of this prism mezuzah includes the first two words, Shema Yisrael, from the central prayer in Judaism, "Shema Yisrael, Adonai, Elohenu, Adonai Echad" which translates to "Hear O' Israel, the Lord is Our God, the Lord is One." The first two paragraphs of this prayer are written on the parchment which is protected within the Mezuzah case. Only a sampling of available colors are shown, however most mezuzahs come in a wide variety of colors. Please ask!
Sold By: Living Art by LeahUnique Prism Mezuzah case adds new perspective to an age old observance. The unique properties of the prism allow you to see a perfect double image of the art when looking directly at the mezuzah, and the thoughtful design allows for viewing of the prayer cradled within from the side. The central feature of this mezuzah case is a tree and the Hebrew phrase "Etz Chaim Hee" meaning "It's a Tree of Life" referring to the Torah ~ the five books of Moses ~ on which all Jewish Law and tradition is based. Only a sampling of available colors are shown, however most mezuzahs come in a wide variety of colors. Please ask!