Experience the rich diversity and sacred beauty of Judaic art around the world
The American Guild of Judaic Art is an international not-for-profit arts organization dedicated to artist empowerment, artist advocacy, arts education, and the Jewish arts community. We advocate for and promote contemporary Jewish art, Judaica, and Jewish culture. Our member artists enjoy an array of membership benefits, including a platform to promote their work, grant-funding opportunities, fiscal sponsorship, exhibition opportunities, and educational resources. We are a diverse group working together to create energy and enthusiasm for Jewish art, as we build on our successful programming and initiatives.
Barbara Ladin Fisher, Albert Einstein
Become a Member
The American Guild of Judaic Art is a not-for-profit membership organization comprised of contemporary Jewish artists, artisans and others interested in promoting Jewish art, Jewish culture, and community. General membership is open to all artist professionals working in the field. Chaverim/Circle of Friends membership is open to all and includes galleries, museum curators, collectors of Jewish art and Judaica, writers, and educators in the field of Jewish studies and art history, as well as Jewish art enthusiasts. Our membership comes from across the Unites States and internationally from Canada, Israel, Italy, and The Netherlands. Membership is open year-round.
Keep up to date with AGJA by subscribing to the guild’s quarterly newsletter “Hiddur.”
Membership in the American Guild of Judaic Art is a heartwarming experience. As its name implies, the Guild is a vibrant, living fortress of Jewish Arts. Members are not merely welcomed to the Guild, they are embraced. The force of unity inherent in its rare combination of talent, passion, intellect, and spirituality defines and exemplifies the purpose the Guild. What distinguishes this guild from others, however, is the precision, intensity, and pride in which its members convey their love of Judaism through their artistic works. I am honored to display my Judaic sculpture (some taking years to create) in the Gallery, and I am inspired by fellow artist- members by simply viewing their works and reading Hiddur. The Guild’s website, moreover, literally dotes on members’ artistic and creative achievements. I am in my sixties, and I intend to contribute to this truly wonderful organization as long as my hands can chip away at stone.”
“Ten years ago, I received an email that changed my life. It began like this, “I saw your work on the American Guild of Judaic Art website and I wondered if you would be interested in creating a piece of artwork for our Synagogue?” That email and subsequent commissions from that first project, opened a new direction to my Judaic art career. I have the AGJA to thank for that…”